Irina Spakova ©

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  1. Photography book "Dreamland", 115 pages, hard cover, digital print/ limitted edition/2018 “Dreamland”   Artificial or real that idillyc decadence place on that street Number ninety six? Was it? It existed for ever, It seemed. We hosted the law of attraction on the 1st 2nd, 3rd floor, in the kitchen. Dizziness circulated up and down, and entering rooms and bathrooms. The residents of a dreamland were just princesses with the magic sticks and other men. Coming and leaving, and coming back. Everything was always fair and fairy. And Magic, End Magic. There is that street, there was that house. There is that street, there is new life. And faded whisper of a grandma..

    Photography book "Dreamland", 115 pages, hard cover, digital print/ limitted edition/2018



    Artificial or real that idillyc decadence place on that street Number ninety six? Was it? It existed for ever, It seemed. We hosted the law of attraction on the 1st 2nd, 3rd floor, in the kitchen. Dizziness circulated up and down, and entering rooms and bathrooms. The residents of a dreamland were just princesses with the magic sticks and other men. Coming and leaving, and coming back. Everything was always fair and fairy.

    And Magic,

    End Magic.

    There is that street, there was that house.

    There is that street, there is new life.

    And faded whisper of a grandma..